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Funny Cheesy Motivational Quotes

60 Short Funny Motivational Quotes to Lighten Your Day

When Life Gives You Lemons...

"When tempted to fight fire with fire, remember that the firemen might come and put it out."

Life's little frustrations can sometimes feel like a raging inferno. But like our brave firefighters, laughter can come to the rescue and extinguish those flames of discontent.

"Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him!" - Charles Dickens

If you're a chronic procrastinator, this quote will make you chuckle. But it's also a gentle reminder that time waits for no one, so it's best to seize the day.

"Whoever established the high road and how high it should be should be fired."

Sometimes, it seems like the rules are made to make us miserable. But this quote reminds us that we don't always have to follow the beaten path.

A Sense of Humor: The Ultimate Stress Reliever

"A sense of humor is just common sense dancing."

A good laugh can lighten the load and bring perspective to even the most stressful situations. Embrace your inner comedian and find the humor in life's challenges.

"I intend to live forever. So far, so good."

This optimistic quote will make you smile and appreciate the fragility of life. Make the most of every moment, because you never know when the curtain might fall.

"I'm not a control freak. I just have a strong opinion about how things should be done."

If you're a bit of a perfectionist, this quote will resonate with you. Embrace your quirks and laugh about the little things that drive you nuts.
